Welcome to the Spring 2025 Season Registration!
The season will begin with our opening day parade on Saturday, March 1
All players’ LEAGUE AGE are determined as of AUGUST 31, 2025.
Players League Age 8-14
· Players 8 years old and older must adhere to the League's boundaries. They must reside or attend school within the boundaries to participate in TSLL.
Players League Age 4-7
· Commencing this Spring, Little League International has changed its boundary rules for 4-7 year old players.
· Players ages 4-7 are no longer restricted by residence or school boundaries.
· Once you are registered, you can stay with TSLL until your player is 14 years old, as long as you maintain your TSLL status each year.
· If you have a 4-7 year old who registers with TSLL in the Spring, your older children will also be allowed to register with TSLL.
Practices for all Divisions are generally held at the Tempe Sports Complex; however, some coaches choose to have practices at the local parks and schools. The coach has discretion to select the specific times, days and locations of practices.
· T-Ball -- The teams get together 2-3 times a week. There are usually 8 games – played on Thursdays (6pm) and Saturday mornings (9am) at the Tempe Sports Complex. Practices are generally on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays at 6pm
· AA -- The teams get together 2-3 times a week. There are usually 10 games – played on Wednesdays (5:30pm) and Saturday mornings (8am) at the Tempe Sports Complex. Practices are generally on Mondays/Wednesdays at 5:30pm and some Saturday mornings.
· AAA -- The teams get together 2-3 times a week. There are usually 12 games – played on Monday (5:30pm) and Saturday mornings (10am) at the Tempe Sports Complex. Practices are generally on Mondays/Wednesdays at 5:30pm and some Saturday mornings.
· MINORS -- The teams get together 3-4 times a week. There are usually 14 games – played on Tuesday and Thursday nights (5:30pm) and Saturday nights (5:30pm or 7:30pm) at the Tempe Sports Complex. Practices are generally on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays at 5:30pm and some Saturdays in the morning.
· MAJORS -- The teams get together 3-4 times a week. There are usually 18 games – played on Tuesday and Thursday nights (7:30pm) and Saturday nights (7:30pm) at the Tempe Sports Complex. Some games may be scheduled at Mantei Field and Stottlemyre Field. Practices are generally on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays at 7:30pm and some Saturdays in the morning.
· JUNIORS -- The teams get together 3-4 times a week. The number of games will be dependent on the number of District teams participating. Games and practices are scheduled throughout the week when fields are available. Most games are played at Nozomi Park in Chandler. Practices are scheduled at various parks in Tempe when available.
· January 26th --- Major Division’s on-line registrations closes(FULL CLOSED, first come first serve)
· February 2nd --- JR/ Minors Division’s on-line registrations closes(FULL CLOSED, first come first serve)
· February 23rd --- AAA/AA Division’s on-line registrations closes(FULL CLOSED, first come first serve)
· March 1st --- TBALL Division’s on-line registrations closes (FULL CLOSED, first come first serve)
· Players registering after the dates above will be placed on a WAIT LIST
· Friday, January 31: Major Rosters are announced on the League’s website
· Friday, February 7: Minor Rosters are announced on the League’s website
· Friday, February 7: Junior Rosters are announced on the League’s website Please Note: Junior rosters are selected on a FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED basis. Registration prior to February 2nd does not guarantee placement on a roster
· Friday, Feb 14: Farm AA & AAA Rosters are announced on the League’s website
· Friday, Feb 14: T-Ball Rosters are announced on the League’s website
TSLL will be offering Camps for Major and Minor players (League Ages 9-12).
· The Minor Camp will be Monday, March 17 and Wednesday, March 19
· The Major Camp will be Tuesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 20
· The sessions will run from 9:30am-11:30am.
· The format of the Camps will be Sand-Lot Baseball.
· Registration is on a First-Come-First-Served basis and you must be registered for the Spring season to attend the Camps.
· The Registration Fee for the Camps will be $15 and the Camps are LIMITED to the first 24 players for each session.
· The intent of the Camps is to have the players involved in more baseball. The Camps are not in place of any scheduled practices that your Spring team may have scheduled over Spring Break.
Everyone, please upload the 3 forms for address verification OR school form (if your school is in boundaries) AND a copy of your children(s) birth certificate.
If you plan to volunteer in anyway in 2025, you must check a volunteer position with your children(s) registration and upload your Drivers License.
If you plan to volunteer in anyway in 2025 and you DO NOT have a child in the league you are registering, you need to create your own account and follow the steps to volunteer.